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2015 구정 차이니스 퍼레이드 - 201피트 금용, 100여명의 인원 참여 5:15-8 pm (03/07 ~ 03/07)

페이지 정보

작성일15-03-04 15:28 조회2,047회 댓글0건


2015 Chinese New Year Parade: Floats, Acrobatics & Firecrackers | SF
Saturday, March 7 – 5:15 pm | Cost: FREE | Chinatown


Named one of the world’s top ten parades, the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco is the largest celebration of its kind outside of Asia.

Typically over 100 groups will participate in the parade and many of the floats and specialty groups will be featuring the theme of this year’s Chinese zodiac sign.


2015 Chinese New Year Parade
Saturday, March 7, 2015 | 5:15-8 pm
Chinatown, San Francisco
FREE standing room (bleacher seats for for purchase)

Some of the parade highlights include:

Elaborately decorated floats
School marching bands
Martial arts group, stilt walkers, lion dancers, & Chinese acrobatics
The newly crowned Miss Chinatown USA
The Golden Dragon carried by over 201 feet long with a team of 100 men and women, it’s always featured at the end of the parade as the grand finale; it will be accompanied by over 600,000 firecrackers.
The parade starts on Market, goes up Geary, down Post and ends on Kearny at Columbus.


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