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41st Annual Black Cowboy Parade & Festival | Oakland (10/03 ~ 10/03)

페이지 정보

작성일15-09-30 22:48 조회3,628회 댓글0건


41st annual Oakland Black Cowboy Parade & Festival
Saturday, October 3, 2015 | 10 am to 5 pm
DeFremery Park, 18th and Adeline, Oakland

This historic parade begins at 10 am at DeFremery Park at 18th St and Adeline. Then join in a day of fun and get a “Taste of the Old West” at the festival starting at noon typically featuring live music, food, horse and pony rides and an array of entertainment and fun for the whole family.

The Oakland Black Cowboy Association (est. 1974) has been educating about the contributions people of color made in settling the West for four decades.


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