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베이 라이트여 안녕! 천명에게 무료 LED tea light 배포, 아티스트 연설, 컨서트, 아침식사 (03/05 ~ 03/0… (03/05 ~ 03/06)

페이지 정보

작성일15-03-04 15:38 조회2,543회 댓글0건


Farewell to The Bay Lights: Artist Talk & LED Giveaway | SF
Say Goodbye to The Bay Lights (for now)
March 5-6, 2015

Celebrate The Bay Lights and say goodbye-for-now at the following events:

Artist Talk & Free LED Tealight Giveaway | Thursday, March 5, 7:30 pm
The first 1,000 people to arrive at the patio behind Waterbar (399 The Embarcadero, San Francisco) will receive an LED tea light. Gifted by Illuminate the Arts in appreciation of public support for The Bay Lights, the tea lights will continue to glow while the artwork is removed for bridge maintenance and serve as a reminder that the darkness is only temporary.
Artist Leo Villareal and Illuminate the Arts Chief Visionary Officer Ben Davis will speak at 8 pm.
Final Hour Concert & Free Breakfast | Friday, March 6, 5:45 am
Illuminate the Arts will offer free coffee and pastries on the patio behind Epic Roasthouse (369 The Embarcadero, San Francisco).
The Sunrise String Quartet—two violins, a viola and a cello played by members of the San Francisco Symphony—will perform for the last hour of The Bay Lights’ illumination.



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