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AKA-SF & the SF Giants Korean Heritage Night (04/17 ~ 03/14)

페이지 정보

작성일15-03-14 09:22 조회1,108회 댓글0건


Join AKA-SF & the SF Giants!

You're invited to join AKA-SF as we cheer on our home team - the San Francisco Giants! The 2014 World Series Champions will be taking on the Arizona Diamondbacks and this year the Giants will be giving away LIMITED EDITION KOREAN THEMED T-SHIRTS.

AKA-SF has pre-purchased 25 tickets, so we can all sit together in the bleacher seats (Section: B142; Rows 31-33). Tickets are first come-first served! Tickets are $32 each and payable via our (paypal donation) site: 

The game is on Friday, April 17 and starts at 7:15pm. We'll email confirmation and time/place to meet to get your ticket the night of the game. 

See you at AT&T Park!



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