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Bay Brass Concert (06/29 ~ 06/29)

페이지 정보

작성일15-06-02 19:27 조회1,967회 댓글0건


Monday, June 29, 2015

7:00 pm

Memorial Church

Sponsored by:Office for Religious Life

Formed in 1995, The Bay Brass, is comprised of a cooperative of players from the San Francisco Bay Area's leading performing organizations including the San Francisco Symphony, the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra, the San Francisco Opera Orchestra, and Symphony Silicon Valley. The aim of the group is to present both large-scale symphonic brass ensemble works and compositions for smaller combinations of players in acoustics which complement the wonderful sound of brass. In addition, The Bay Brass programs concerts of remarkable diversity, combining the traditional brass repertory with jazz and other contemporary styles, including the works of some of today's most influential composers.

When: Monday, June 29, 2015.
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Admission: Free, no tickets required.
Audience: General Public, Faculty/Staff, Students, Alumni/Friends
Contact: 650-723-1762, religious-life@stanford.edu
More info: Visit this website


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