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Oktoberfest By The Bay (09/25 ~ 09/27)

페이지 정보

작성일15-08-31 23:08 조회3,877회 댓글0건


Oktoberfest By The Bay is one of the Top 10 best places to celebrate Oktoberfest in the USA!!

Celebrating in the true tradition of Munich's famed festival, Oktoberfest by the Bay will include nonstop music, singing, dancing and the very best in German food and drink.

Headlining our stage will be the world renowned, 21-piece Chico Bavarian Band!

Open FRIDAY SEPT. 25: 5pm-12am
SATURDAY SEPT. 26: DAY 11am-5pm | NIGHT 6pm-12am
SUNDAY SEPT. 27: 11am-6pm.

Save $10 on General Admission! Code: loyalGA

Buy General Admission Tickets Here
Save $25 on Friday's Underberg VIP! Code: loyalVIP

Buy Underberg VIP Ticets Here
Save $10 on Saturday's Underberg VIP! Code: advancedVIP


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