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참치없는 참치 샌드위치... There’s no tuna in Subway’s tuna sandwiches, DNA repor…

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참치 덩어리가 보이지 않더라도 DNA 조차 없다니 우리의 붕어빵보다 못하나요?


There’s no tuna in Subway’s tuna sandwiches, DNA report alleges

SAN ANSELMO, CALIFORNIA – JUNE 22: A tuna sandwich from Subway is displayed on June 22, 2021 in San Anselmo, California. A recent lab analysis of tuna used in Subway sandwiches commissioned by the New York Times did not reveal any tuna DNA in samples taken from Subway tuna sandwiches. The lab was unable to pinpoint a species in the tuna samples from three Los Angeles area Subway sandwich shops. (Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

KRON4 Breaking News

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Bad news if you’re a fan of Subway’s tuna sandwiches.

A recently published New York Times investigation reveals the tuna from several Subway sandwiches were tested by an unidentified commercial food testing lab contained “no amplifiable tuna DNA.”

The Times purchased Subway tuna sandwiches from several Los Angeles Subway locations then sent those frozen samples to an unidentified commercial food testing lab after a lawsuit was filed earlier this year alleging Subway’s tuna sandwiches didn’t contain any tuna at all.

The lab the Times used to test the tuna in the investigation did not want to be identified, the Times reported.

More than a month after the samples were submitted, the lab results revealed “No amplifiable tuna DNA was present in the sample and so we obtained no amplification products from the DNA.”

“Therefore, we cannot identify the species,” the results said, according to the Times.

Earlier this year, a lawsuit was filed by two people claiming the company’s tuna is anything but.

That suit originally alleged that Subway’s tuna is “made from a mixture of various concoctions that do not constitute tuna, yet have been blended together by defendants to imitate the appearance of tuna.”

작성일2021-06-23 14:09

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