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마린카운티, 델타변이 확진자 발생... COVID-19 Delta variant outbreaks reported in Mar…

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COVID-19 Delta variant outbreaks reported in Marin County

MARIN COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) — There have been two outbreaks recently among unvaccinated residents in Marin and all the cases have been tied to the COVID-19 Delta variant.

This is a variant of concern for the CDC. In California, the CDC reports that the Delta variant makes up about 5.7% of total COVID-19 cases.

Dr. Fauci says the variant is the greatest threat to the nation’s efforts to get rid of the coronavirus.

One of the Delta variant outbreaks centered around the towns of Fairfax and San Anselmo, the other at a school in Novato.

Both outbreaks became under control within 14 days and are no longer active, health officials said.

Marin County has achieved a major milestone with 90% of residents vaccinated with at least one dose. The county has 81.6% of residents fully vaccinated.

Marin County Health Officer Dr. Matt Willis credits the high vaccination rate for getting outbreaks quickly under control.

The county said “current vaccines are proving to be protective against the Delta variant.”

“When clusters of cases rise and fall quickly among unvaccinated people, and don’t really spread further, this is what herd immunity looks like,” said Willis. “We’re seeing what community immunity could look like in Marin. The current cases are among unvaccinated residents, which is why we’re motivated to get closer to 100%.”

Marin County now wants the state to use its extra vaccine supply to get residents outside of the U.S. vaccinated.

작성일2021-06-23 14:13

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