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세금 | Covid-19 stimulus act agreement

페이지 정보



아래 내용은 어젯밤 상원에서 합의한 내용으로 오늘 상원 통과, 오늘 혹은 내일중으로 하원통과, 그리고 대통령이 서명할걸로 예상됩니다.

이 가운데 개인에게 중요한 내용은 1번 과 5번이고, 스몰 비지니스 하는분에게 중요한 내용은 2번, 3번, 그리고 12번 입니다. 나머지는 어느정도 규모가 있는 기업에게 중요합니다. 특히 스몰비지니스 하는 사장님들은 3번과 12번을 적절히 이용하시면 많은 도움이 될 것 입니다.

1. Tax credit rebates of up to $1,200 per individual and $500 per child that are phased out for taxpayers with AGI over $75,000 ($150,000 MJF and $112,500 HOH) and will be “rapidly advanced;”
2. The delay of employer payroll tax deposits for 2020 (50% due by December 31, 2021, and 50% due by December 31, 2022);
3. A refundable employer retention credit equal to 50% of qualified wages against quarterly employment taxes, to offset up to $10,000 of wages paid per employee in 2020;
4. The reinstatement of NOL carrybacks for the 2018–2020 taxable years, and repeal of the 80% taxable income limitation for the 2018–2020 taxable years;
4. A TCJA technical correction that classifies qualified improvement property as 15-year recovery period, allowing the bonus depreciation deduction to be claimed for such property retroactive as if it was included in the TCJA at the time of enactment;
5. Penalty-free withdrawals of tax retirement funds of up to $100,000 (income recognized over a three-year period);
6. A temporary waiver of RMD requirements in 2020;
7. The suspension of charitable contribution limits for 2020;
8. The deferral of excess business loss limitations until 2021;
9. An increase in the business interest deduction limitations from 30% to 50% of adjusted taxable income for the 2019 and 2020 taxable year;
10. An exclusion from income for employer-payments made on employee student loans paid before January 1, 2021;
11. The acceleration of the corporate credit for prior-year minimum tax liability, allowing 100% of the credit to be claimed in 2019 (2018 at the election of the taxpayer);
12. A COD exclusion of small business loans forgiven under the Act

JS Tax & Accounting Services, LLC

작성일2020-03-26 13:30

영세업자님의 댓글

저는 집사람과 둘이서 가게를 운영중입니다만, 이번 어떤 혜택을 받을 수 있는지요?
법률/회계 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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6034 코로나 정부 경기부양책 SBA 론 인기글 전광인 2020-04-04 4808
6033 실업수당 인기글 cdi22 2020-04-02 5544
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6026 부동산 도움이 필요합니다. 유학생입니다, 꼭 도와주세요. 댓글[5] 인기글 2020-03-27 5222
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6024 경기부양 체크 (코로나 바이러스 체크) 댓글[1] 인기글 JSTA 2020-03-25 5211
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6022 렌트 기간전에 비지니스를 닫고 싶어요(코로나 바이러스와 order stay at home 때문) 댓글[2] 인기글 박 재홍 2020-03-22 7270
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6020 2019년 텍스보고 Due & Payment 관련 변경사항 댓글[3] 인기글 JSTA 2020-03-18 5154
6019 답변글 Re: 2019년 텍스보고 Due & Payment 관련 변경사항 인기글 _d_1 2020-03-18 5062
6018 식당 팁 댓글[2] 인기글 Strong2020 2020-03-10 4864
6017 영주권자 이혼 댓글[2] 인기글 Soo 2020-03-09 7586
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