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기타 | Water heater leaking in Condo

페이지 정보



On July 25, there was a water heater leaking from my unit in condo, damaging two other units below and my unit. Unfortunately I don't have HO6 insurance. HOA manager tells me that HOA insurance is only for common area. The other two units below have their own insurance. One of insurance company already sent me a letter, saying that it intends to recover the loss of the unit from me. I think both insurance companies will claim for the loss to me.

Here are my questions. First, if I can access to HOA insurance. On May 27, HOA revised insurance policy to cover only common area and to require unit owners to have HO6 insurance. But, according to CC&R, without other descriptions unit owners could access the HOA insurance, paying increased premium after the claim. I also think HOA has some responsibility because several month ago HOA checked out all water heater in the whole community. At the time the staff from HOA told me my unit is fine and no need to replace the water heater. I have a picture that shows a lot of rust around it.

Second, whether I can reduce the amount of claim from insurance companies of the other two units below through negotiation. Thanks.


작성일2019-09-19 08:28

Stephan Choo님의 댓글

Stephan Choo
If you wish to have a consultation regarding the above referenced matter, please feel free to reach out to my contact below.  Thank you.  감사합니다.

Stephan Choo
Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley PC
Senior Associate
150 Spear Street, Suite 850 • San Francisco • CA • 94105-5173
Office: (415) 543-4800 • Direct: (415) 972-6303
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